Beneq Oy

Beneq is the most recognized provider of ALD (atomic layer deposition) equipment and R&D services. Our mission is to create premium tools for production and for research, and to enable technology mega trends through industrial ALD solutions.

Company size: 100-250 Employees
Current markets: America, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Turnover: € 50-100M

Our value proposition

Beneq offers new class of ALD cluster tools. We combine automation with both thermal batch and plasma enhanced ALD process modules. The Beneq Transform® offers unparalleled flexibility for processing sequences with multiple ALD process modules.

The industry standard ALD tools for coating of large batches and parts. Capable of ALD processes of metal oxides, rare earth oxides, nitrides, sulfides and carbides. Large enough to accommodate a variety of reactions chambers.

Beneq is the most installed ALD equipment provider for academic research and corporate R&D. Our products have been designed to minimize cross contamination in a multi-user research environment.

Our offering

Beneq is the most recognized provider of ALD (atomic layer deposition) equipment and R&D services. Our mission is to create premium tools for production and for research, and to enable technology mega trends through industrial ALD solutions.

About Beneq Oy

Today Beneq leads the market with innovative solutions for advanced R&D (TFS 200, R2), flexible high-volume manufacturing (BENEQ Transform), ultra-fast high precision spatial ALD coatings (C2R), roll-to-roll thin film coating of continuous webs, and specialized batch production for thicker film stacks (P400, P800). Headquartered in Espoo, Finland Beneq is dedicated to making ALD technology accessible for researchers and enabling technology mega trends through engineered ALD materials solutions.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for R&D partners and industrial customers who desire to develop and deploy new advancements in ALD technology in the forefront of industry and research. Preferably partners are established players in semiconductor, microelectronics or photonics manufacturing or research

Contact info Beneq Oy

Tel: +358405707502 Olarinluoma 9 02200 Espoo

President Tommi Vainio
VP, Advanced ALD Sami Sneck
Last updated 6.9.2024