Insta Group Oy

Insta creates and secures the digital future. We are a reliable partner for our mission critical industry, defence, cyber security, and software consulting customers. We are one of Finland's most significant suppliers of cyber security services and a front runner in networked defence solutions. And a strategic partner of the Finnish Defence Forces.

Company size: 1000-2500 Employees
Current markets: America, Europe
Turnover: € 100-250M

Our value proposition

By combining state-of-the-art know-how with intelligent technology, we improve our customers’ safety and performance in a digitalized world.

Our certified services, products, and broad international partner network are trusted by corporations and organizations in Finland and abroad.

Our success factors include genuine, in-depth customer understanding, a continuously developing service and product portfolio as well as our competent personnel.

Our offering

A wide range of cyber security services from consulting to cyberattack prevention and from network security to the secure digital identity of persons and devices. Superior performance through our command and control and secure communication solutions. Software services enable secure digitalization, including digital transformation, design and software development. For mission critical industries we offer AI and data utilization tools for holistic operations and product development.

About Insta Group Oy

Insta is a technology company that operates in various fields. We strengthen and accelerate the competitiveness of our customers and partners by empowering secure and sustainable solutions. Security is part of our core competence, culture, and approach. We want to continue securing our customers’ business functions in all situations. At Insta, we enjoy our great and encouraging work atmosphere. At Insta, we enjoy our great and encouraging work atmosphere. We have a strong team spirit and, as a family-owned company, our way of working is agile and flexible.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for customers and partners who see digitalization, cybersecurity, critical communication and utilization of data and AI as key competitive advantage.

Contact info Insta Group Oy

Tel: +358 20 771 7111 Sarankulmankatu 20 (P.O. Box 80) 33901 Tampere

Vice President, Sales & Customers, Cyber Helena Salmi
Marketing Manager Hanna Vanhanen
Last updated 11.6.2024