MOPRIM is a mobility data company measuring all forms of mobility of individual users and visualizing distances travelled, travel times, the carbon footprint produced, and all transport modes used. All the routes taken and the multi-modal travel chains can be also presented.

Our value proposition
Community could be public or private. Public communities are open to all consumers in the country, and could well serve public interest or city use. Private communities are open only with an invitation code.
Our offering
Move Together Platform measures all forms of mobility of individual users and visualizing distances travelled, travel times, the carbon footprint produced, and all transport modes used. All the routes taken and the multi-modal travel chains can be also presented. User can join different communities and share parts of the mobility data within the community. Communities can be set up for different user groups, and organizations.
MOPRIM is a mobility data company measuring all mobility of the individual user and visualizes in various ways distances travelled, the travel times, the carbon footprint produced and all transport modes used. It also shows all the routes taken and the multi-modal travel chains. Changing landscape due to new modes of transport including millions of individual mobility decisions per day. To drive change and revenue those individual decisions should be understood and influenced positively, but the data about actual personal mobility behavior is missing.
What kind of partner we are looking for
Moprim is looking for companies interested to make business with the Move Together Platform locally in your region. This includes selling and operating communities for companies and cities. All the revenue streams for services are left to the partners, Moprim charges only setting up and running communities in our global cloud.
Tel: +358505500666
Heikkiläntie 7 A 00210 Helsinki