Portalify Oy

We master the integrations in the public safety and mission critical vendor ecosystems to provide a full service for our customers. Through our data services we build insights for decision making and development.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: America, Asia, Europe
Turnover: € 0-25M

Our value proposition

We bridge the gap between TETRA and Broadband. With our platform, which can utilise multiple mission critical networks (TETRA and broadband), you can be sure that data communication won't be disrupted when it matters most.

Stop planning, start using. Minimise Risk and Costs with a Productised Platform. Our ready-to-use solution helps you avoid never-ending IT projects, ensuring a smoother implementation and reducing the risks and costs with custom development.

Own the W’s: Who, What, When and Where. Unleash the full potential of our Automatic Resource Location technology to supercharge your field operations. Monitor real-time locations of field workers and assets for immediate resource optimisation.

Our offering

Portalify provides mobile data applications and solutions, including messaging, photos, indoor and satellite locations, situational awareness, database access, reporting and forms, police applications, field commands, system integrations, SMS and AML to 112 and more. Our applications are available at all times for every user in every situation, using both your existing radio network, such as TETRA, and broadband networks and devices.

About Portalify Oy

Portalify has over 20+years of public safety application experience, from regional to nationwide deployments around the world. We support TETRA radio networks and Broadband networks and devices.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We enable you to take advantage of information-centric operations. By building multiple end-user apps with a single installation of product-based applications, you can streamline deployment, decrease maintenance needs and lower costs.

Contact info Portalify Oy https://portalify.com/

Tel: +358962279668 Upseerinkatu 1 02600 Espoo

CSO Niclas Broman
CEO Kimmo Smolander
Last updated 11.6.2024